The ideal rejection with comments, if such a thing exists, can end with a R & R, or Revise and Resubmit request from the agent/editor, who is giving you a chance to rectify problem areas. Sometimes these can be very simple, like fact-checking certain descriptions and information that is inaccurate or poorly explained. POV slips can be easily remedied, as well as minor plot holes. Strengthening character can also be an uncomplicated fix. Major structural flaws, poor syntax and grammar, and unskilled writing, however, will usually not be included in a R & R request. If the book looks like it will take too much time to correct or fix the problems, chances are you will not be afforded an R & R. But if you should get one of these invitations, you are in a very favorable position, prompting you to follow the suggestions and guidelines. You have only to create a new file (new version) of your story, and rewrite accordingly. Make sure to same the older version.
Close calls from several agent/editors that basically outline the same problem areas are a very good barometer for pointing out major or minor flaws. If you receive three or more identical comments, you can rest assured that you need some revision. You have two choices: stop your submission train immediately and revise, then send out the revised manuscript to your next prospect, or ask your last agent/editor if they would like to see a rewrite in line with their suggestions. A lot of times you will be given very helpful comments, but what happens when they don't extend the R & R invitation? Well, the reality, much of the time, means that they're trying to be helpful, but find (personally and internally) that the material requires too much work.
All is not lost if you receive great suggestions for improvement, but an R & R has not been offered. It could be a forgetful lapse on the part of the agent/editor, or an implied request. Most often it is not an invitation. This shouldn't really discourage you. Besides writing a thankful email back to the agent/editor for spending their time, knowledge and insights with you, you'll never be black-listed or flogged for politely asking if they wouldn't mind a re-submission inline with the suggested changes. This works in your favor more often than not. I've used it and I've had about a 65% to 70% success rate. It demonstrates that you're willing to put time and effort into your book and follow guidelines. Even if the answer is no, and you have several agent/editors who have given you the same advice, one of them is bound to accept your offer to resubmit.
Writing is full of chances, missed opportunities and timing. Patience and determination on your part, can only increase your odds in this subjective and mysterious numbers game, called publishing. Don't be afraid to take chances. Never feel that you are a burden and bothering agents and editors. They're really there for you, even if there time is limited and they are slow to respond. You'll find them most accommodating when you least expect it. And by all means, don't take rejections personally, because you'll spend untold, wasted hours trying to decode those mysterious rejection comments.
Happy Hunting!
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